Петковић: Београд ће наставити да чува мир и стабилност
"Београд ће наставити да чува мир и стабилност као највеће вредности и једина одговорност за изазивање криза јесте на Приштини."
"Влада Републике Србије је апсолутно опредељена и спремна да улаже у екологију и заштиту животне средине."
"Serbia wants to show that it is an independent country that knows how to protect its military neutrality."
"We’re doing our job in a very proper way. We’re guarding our economic co-operation and collaboration."
“We are Serbs, we are ordinary citizens of Serbia, we have our own politics and I’m very proud to say that.”
“We have had many wars that we did not want in the 20th century. We need to leave them where they are, and bring peace and stability to the entire region, and to Serbia as well.”
''I am very much ready to speak about compromise and to do as many concessions as possible. But not to humiliate Serbian people. And not to undermine Serbia's interests.''
“I have invested at least 400 days so far in the last four years since I became prime minister, only on Kosovo. It takes your energy out…”
“If you have a frozen conflict, someone will defreeze it, and that will be the end of normal life for the entire region.”