Избори су најбоље оруђе да Србија и ЕУ уштеде време
Са једне стране, изборна рачуница спречава владајућу већину да се призна стварност услова за наставак процеса евроинтеграција, а са друге, сложеност процедура са стране ЕУ спречава је да јасно искаже да очекивања у погледу испуњавања тих услова далеко превазилазе способности тренутних актера у Београду.
Препознавање ове ситуације и предузимање неопходних корака за њено превазилажење тражи време, а Србија нема времена за губљење.
Да, избори би продужили ову фазу евроинтеграција, као и неке неопходне реформе у Србији које су у току, али би такође окончали одуговлачење и интеграција и реформи које морају бити дубље, брже и уравнотеженије у исто време. Морамо дати све од себе да сви постану свесни ове чињенице.
Не претендујемо да контролишемо оно што ће већина у Парламенту, председник Републике или Владе урадити, али морамо натерати све да јасно искажу и заузму став, да изведемо све на чистину и буду одговорни за своје изборе и поступке, без скривања иза ЕУ. Укратко, не можемо приуштити да чекамо да сви признају оно што је очигледно СНС, Томиславу Николићу и мени, да су избори најбоље оруђе да Србија и ЕУ уштеде време, опуномоћујући оне који имају знање и вољу да наставе сложене процесе који стоје пред српским друштвом.
Хвала вам на пажњи.
Ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues!
It is my duty to inform you of the recent developments in Serbia which are in the focus of international media and political circles. I can state that Serbian Progressive Party and I personally agree with majority of what has been said about the hunger strike of Mr. Tomislav Nikolich, head of the Serbian Progressive Party, namely that it is an action out of the usual course of political procedures, that it presents a last resort and that it is an unsettling event on the political scene. What we do not agree on, I suspect, is the estimate that this action is irrational or untimely. I must say that this erroneous claim, (assuming that it is stated in good faith as it most frequently is) is based on a misperception that the political situation, the course of EU integration, and economical developments in Serbia are a picture of harmonious and dynamic processes. Far from it. I can not go into details for the sake of brevity (I can only mention the obstacles in the judiciary reform, election legislation and restitution which can hardly be delt with within the set time-frame, not to speak of the quality of the rushed legislation), but what I must say, and I offer it as a rational, well thought and calmly, however reluctantly, chosen reason for the strike, we are faced with a wall of silence concerning the real situation in Serbia.
On one hand, the electoral calculations prevent the ruling majority to come to terms with reality on the conditions for the continuation of EU integration processes, and on the other, the complexity of procedures on EU side prevents it from clearly stating that the expectations on the fulfillment of conditions surpass by far the competencies of the actual actors in Belgrade.
The recognition of this situation and taking the necessary steps to overcome it will take time, and Serbia does not have time to waist.
Yes, the elections would prolong this phase of EU integrations and some much needed reforms in Serbia that are in place, but they would also make an end to the prolonging of both the integration and the reforms that must be deeper, faster and better balanced at the same time. We have to make everyone be aware of this fact to the best of our abilities.
We do not pretend to control what the majority in our Parliament, the President of Republic or Government will do, but we must make everyone state and take their position clearly, to bring everyone in the open and be responsible for the choices made, without hiding behind EU. In short, we can not afford to wait for everyone to admit what is quite obvious for SPS, Tomislav Nikolic and me, that the elections are the best instrument to save time for Serbia and EU, by empowering those who have the knowledge and the will to continue the complex processes that stand before Serbian society.
Thank you for your attention.